Proggnosis Artist-Release Details

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a Studio release
October Equus

Release Year: 2013

Date Label Catalog # Comments
Self-released on May 20, 2013
Added To Proggnosis Database on: 6/18/2013 12:00:00 AM
Entry Last Updated on: 12/17/2016 6:21:00 AM by: DBSilver
  1. Erosive Forces of Wind and Water
  2. Lead Poisoning
  3. Boots, Nails, Watches...
  4. Thermokarst
  5. Trapped in the Sea Ice
  6. ...Books, Saws, Silk Handkerchiefs...
  7. Graves of the Crewmen Buried on Beechey Island
  8. ...Two Double-Barreled Guns and 40 lbs of Chocolate
Ángel Ontalva

Víctor Rodríguez

Amanda Pazos Cosse

Vasco Trilla
drums and percussion