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Iliad: A Grand Piano Extravaganza

a Studio release
VA: Colossus Projects

Release Year: 2010

Date Label Catalog # Comments

Released by Musea (FGBG 4862)

Homer's Iliad is the focus of this Grand Piano honoring project between Colussus Magazine and Musea.

Added To Proggnosis Database on: 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM
Entry Last Updated on: 5/2/2018 12:38:00 PM by: DBSilver

Disc 1

  1. Iliad - 6:21
    (David Myers)
  2. Proemio (Introduction) - 3:24
    (Michele Mutti)
  3. Cantami O Musa - 5:22
    (Contrappunto Project)
  4. The Departure - 4:59
    (Timo Kajamies)
  5. Iliade (Book III) - 5:06
    (Marco Lo Muscio)
  6. Impressions of Incitement - 5:57
    (Guy Leblanc)
  7. Diomed's Prayer - 5:58
    (Timo Kajamies)
  8. Swapping the Armour - 6:19
    (Andrew Roussak)
  9. Monomachia - 6:32
    (Attilio Perrone)
  10. Divine Withdrawal - 6:26
    (Andrew Roussak)
  11. I Dubbi di Achille - 4:37
    (Contrappunto Project)
  12. Iliad (Book X) - 6:39
    (Sergey Bolotov)
  13. The Nekyia - 3:37
    (Leenderr Korstanje

Disc 2:

  1. The Snake - 4:38
    (Octavio Stampalia)
  2. The Final Venture - 3:12
    (John Lonnmyr / Simon Says)
  3. Hera's Game - 6:04
    (Guy Leblanc)
  4. Book 15 - 4:15
    (Eduardo Garcia Saluenas)
  5. Iliade (Book XVI) - 6:14
    (Marco Lo Muscio)
  6. Friendship Never Dies - 4:27
    (Paolo Apollo Negri)
  7. The Combat of Amaios - 6:24
    (Leenderr Korstanje)
  8. Presagio E Scherzo Finale - 3:09
    (Attilio Perrone)
  9. Field of God - 4:33
    (Paolo Apollo Negri)
  10. Book 21 - 5:16
    (Eduardo Garcia Saluenas)
  11. La Battaglia - 5:58
    (Mauro Mulas)
  12. Battles - 2:56
    (John Lonnmyr)
  13. L' Ultima Quiete - 6:20
    (Mauro Mulas)
  14. Outro - 4:14
    (Ivan Rozmaïnsky)

David Myers (The Musical Box)
Michele Mutti (La torre de'll alchimista)
Andrea Cavallo (Contrappunto Project)
Timo Kajamies
Marco Lo Muscio
Guy Le Blanc (Camel, Nathan Mahl)
Andrew Roussak (Dorian Opera)
Attilio Perrone
Sergey Bolotov (Inner Drive)
Leendert Korstanje (Lady Lake, Delay)
Octavio Stampalia
John Lönnmyr (Simon Says, The Moor)
Eduardo García Salueña (Senogul)
Paolo "Apollo" Negri (Nice Price, The Link Quartet, Wicked Minds)
Mauro Mulas (KTL, Entity)
Ivan Rozmainsky (Roz Vitalis)