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Italy Italy

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Influenced by Canterbury (Prog)
If You Like Areknamés listen to:
Disciplinepo90 (Parallel or 90 Degrees)Unimother 27Van Der Graaf Generator ♦  

This Italian band has been founded by Simone Antonini (drums), Alessandro Del Conte (bass) and Michele Epifani (organ and voice). Their early name was Lentofumo, when they played a mix between doom metal and '70's progressive rock. They switched their name to Arco del Pentolo and started playing a Canterbury influenced prog rock. They produced just demos and performed live concerts with those name. Later, in 2001, Arco del Pendolo became Mors in Fabula and recorded a demo for Black Widow Records, which enjoyed it and released in 2004, but the band had already changed (again) the name to Areknamès.

Bassist Piero Ranalli has a solo project called Unimother 27.

Keyboardist Michele Epifani has a project called Subtilior.